
>That's the point numbnuts

No that's not the point! Please listen to me, You can't just Assassinate the King six pages in! There's supposed to be a story, buildup, arcs, climax, you know?? What do you think a narrator is for? do you not think i was about to tell a story here?? before you came to crash everything? Do you think I'm a failure of a narrator? Alright, be honest. I don't even care anymore. And you know what? You're the one reading the comic. Do watever you please with it. I definitely don't care about the story I spent 2 years planning. All the Logseq notes i wrote for this comic, yes. none of that really mattered. After all, I was just planning this comic for fun, not to actually tell the story. It's fine if you come for no reason and kill my hopes and dreams at their climax. Yes, Please do that. Go ahead. I IMPLORE YOU.